Supporting and Stimulating Growth of Competitive Industries

The Project “Supporting and Stimulating Growth of Competitive Industries” is funded by Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SCC) and it started in late April 2015. The aim of this project is to provide recommendations, necessary for creating targeted sectorial support, that will remove, or at least minimize the most binding constraints and untie untapped potential for growth of competitive industries. These recommendations should help Serbian government and Serbian Chamber of Commerce to quickly establish an improved information base for better targeting of industrial policies essential for revitalization of Serbian economic life, employment generation, and growth. The existing regular monitoring and projections of Serbian sector performances, needs and challenges are analytically weak and, more importantly, based on unreliable and incomplete economic statistics. However, this kind of information is essential for participants on Serbian market to act in a proper way.

This project is designed to maximize the participation of Serbia‘s public and private sectors in developing and implementing an action plan to unlock latent growth potential in competitive sectors. The first step in that process is a rapid analysis of country and industry competitiveness to identify and prioritize sectors where a country possesses latent comparative advantage. The result will be a list of the proposed sectors that should be targeted by the Government support. Second step is a deep-dive analysis resulting in the definition of recommendations, the development of an upgrading strategy, and the ranking of constraints. Third and final step implies the formalization of the action plan by domestic industry sector players, key public sector entities, and development partners.

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