The Economic Opportunity Monitor

This program aims to strengthen the coherence and lengthen the time-horizon of decentralized market action, and government policies, by filling a major gap in Serbia’s knowledge of its peculiar economic structure and performance, and by generating the knowledge needed to develop an evidence-based dialogue about development and sector strategy visions for the country.

Studying the real economy

Generating information/public policy recommendations

Accelerate growth

Create more decent employment

Identify concrete project initiative opportunities for CEVES under its “Growth Incubator” Program

The program principally studies Serbia’s economic structure and monitors the performance of the real economy, by sector and type of enterprise, to generate and disseminate information about sector performance and competitiveness that currently public institutions or think tanks do not produce.

It uses this information to:

  • Identify strategic/policy options, and targeted policy proposals for economic sectors (under its 2nd subprogram),
  • Generate fiscal and other productivity/saving enhancing policies (under its 3rd subprogram),
  • Study the competitiveness of sector markets (under its 4th subprogram).
