October 7th, 2014
Second Rountable presents a continuation from the research study and the first roundtable event, which was also organized by CEVES and USAID BEP. Ms. Kori Udovički, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government and Chief of Party of USAID BEP, Mr. Joseph Lowther, have opened the event in front of high officials, such as assistant of Minister of Economy, Jelena Spasic, members and Presidents of Executive Boards of the banks included in our research, representatives of National bank of Serbia and of course USAID Business Enabling Project and Center for Advanced Economic Studies.
The goal of this second roundtable was to engage a debate to help create measures whose implementation would facilitate the financing and growth of the SME sector. Evidence suggests that many bankable SMEs with good business results that meet the conditions for credit either choose not to turn to banks for finance or are rejected. These SMEs thus represent a not only a missed opportunity for bank financing, but also for the accelerated development of the Serbian economy.