Kori Udovički participates in the meeting of the United Nations High-Level Advisory Board for Economic and Social Affairs in New York

June 10th, 2018

The first session of the United Nations High-Level Advisory Board on Economic and Social Affairs, in which Kori Udovički, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Center for High Economic Studies (CEVES), is taking a part is ending today in New York. The Board is a new advisory body that supports the UN leadership’s vision of achieving an ambitious agenda of 2030, i.e. achieving the global goals of sustainable development. The committee consists of 16 members, including former presidents of countries (Ricardo Lagos and Ernesto Zedillo), laureates of the Nobel Prize (Joseph Stiglitz), and other intellectual leaders such as Jeffrey Sachs and José Antonio Ocampo.

The discussion was related to the global economic situation, the challenges in financing sustainable development, and socio-economic implications of globalization and the usage of advanced technologies as well as international migration. During the session Ms. Udovički emphasized that we are standing at the beginning of deep changes in the organization of the global order, and it is difficult to know the direction of these changes. It is therefore of a great importance that the ideas of multilateralism and the protection of the life and dignity of every individual on a planet – ideas that the UN is devoted to – are strongly promoted, including through new media and more direct communication with the world’s citizens.


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