Activity Programs

The Economic Opportunity Monitor

This program aims to strengthen the coherence and lengthen the time-horizon of decentralized market action, and government policies, by filling a major gap in Serbia’s knowledge of its peculiar economic structure and performance, and by generating the knowledge needed to develop an evidence-based dialogue about development and sector strategy visions for the country.

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Microeconomic Factors of Succces

Studies factors of economic growth from the enterprise perspective to recommend policies that can enhance enterprise performance and growth, and to create a knowledge pool that will provide enterprises with specific solutions for some of their most acute problems.

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Institutional Design for Growth

This program covers a broad range of issues, regarding the institutional framework necessary to insure much greater stability of government policies, their design in support of growth, legal security, competitiveness, transparency and social participation. It pays attention not only to regulations and organizational structures but also to what people understand institutions to be – how they interpret and apply them.

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The Growth Incubator

Mobilizes and capacitates stakeholders to create/initiate both government and non-government institutional solutions and development projects in support of economic growth and decent job generation. Initiatives generated by this program can range from bringing together stakeholders to design and advocate for regulatory solutions that could be especially supportive of a particular kind of market undertaking, to providing content and know-how for technology parks and incubators.

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Departs from standard dissemination of think tank work, by identifying and tailoring its communication to three kinds of stakeholders: 1. Experts (and policy-makers), 2. Business community & entrepreneurs, and 3. General public.

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