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Within the “Assessing and streamlining the potential of the Open Balkan Initiative” project, the Center for Economic Analyses (CEA) from Skopje published a report on research task 1: Screening of the Open Balkan Initiative – Country Analyses.
The report states two general observations regarding the practical implementation of regional economic integration by thematic areas. First, the OBI (Open Balkan Initiative) is intertwined with the operational regional agreement (CEFTA) or regional initiatives (MAP REA and CRM AP), especially in the area of free movement of goods and workers, also the areas in which the OBI has gone the furthest in terms of implementation.
The second general observation is that the political commitments of countries participating in OBI are vertically oriented, and they are implemented slowly. Most of the political promises repeated at OBI summits and public appearances by OBI leaders have yet to be operationalized. The process of ratification of OBI agreements takes a long time, especially in North Macedonia. To date, the labor market agreement and the agreement on the interconnection of electronic identification schemes are the only trilateral agreements ratified by all three OBI participating countries.
Experts from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia (CEVES) participated in the preparation of the report.
The analysis of the labour market and labour force needs in the context of migration governance was conducted with the support of the Global Programmes “Migration for Development” (PME) and “Migration and Diaspora” (PMD) implemented in Serbia by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, National Employment Service and Commissariat for Refugees and Migration. Programs are funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The Global PME Programme aims to improve living conditions and enhance the prospects of people to stay in their countries, both now and in the future. Through qualification and skills development measures, the PME programme supports the economic and social reintegration of returnees in their local communities after their return as well as the economic and social prospects for the local population. The Programme helps individuals find their place in the Serbian labour market and supports those searching for education and training opportunities, same as those wishing to start their own business in Serbia.
At the same time, Global PMD Programme is focused on strengthening key stakeholders to better use the positive effects of regular migration and diaspora engagement in local social and economic development. The project strongly supports migration governance, i.e. political, organisational and strategic development in the area of migration. Supported by PMD, the Serbian Government drafted and adopted the first Economic Migration Strategy for the period 2021-2027, and its implementing Action Plan for the period 2021-2023. Both programmes offer comprehensive counselling at DIMAK Serbia – German Information Center on Migration, Training and Career.
In that context, the labour market analysis was undertaken based on the accurate and latest data and other relevant employment and employability indicators. The factors affecting economic migration were hereby analysed relying on the findings of the labour market analysis. The analysis is geared towards the implementation of Activity 2.2.2 of the Action Plan 2021-2023 implementing the Economic Migration Strategy of the Republic of Serbia (2021-2027) – the analysis of labour force potential in the context of emigration. The purpose of the Strategy implementation is to contribute to slowing down the emigration of the working-age population, establish an economic migration governance system, strengthen capacities for retaining highly skilled workers in the country and attract such profiles from abroad.
CEVES and TOC – strengthening the perspective of local sustainable development
Within the “Sustainable Development for All” Platform, CEVES and TOC held a meeting in the city administration of Pirot on February 28, 2022 with representatives of the city and the Regional Development Agency South (RRA South), and presented the document “Findings and recommendations for the localization of the economic dimension of sustainable development in the Mid-Term Development Plan of the City of Pirot”. Among those present at the meeting were Kori Udovicki, president of CEVES, Goran Radisavljević, director of TOC, Miloš Colić, deputy mayor of Pirot, Marija Đošić, head of the office for local economic development and Dragana Stojanović, director of RRA South.
Ten-month research, in cooperation with city representatives, showed that the key goals of local economic development are: 1) positioning Pirot as a center and driver of economic development; 2) diversification of the economy and development of the private, especially SME sector and 3) utilization of natural wealth for the development of tourism, agriculture and green energy while improving the quality of the environment. The presentation of the analysis on the integration of the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda into the Mid-Term Development Plan of the city of Pirot was followed by a discussion on past and future plans, as well as the challenges that the city of Pirot faces on its way to achieving economic development and the 2030 Agenda. The discussion generated ideas for initiatives on how the development can be improved, some of which are the need to strengthen the system of inter-municipal cooperation, as well as the possible improvement of the regulation of cooperatives in order to facilitate cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises based on the Italian and other models. You can view the presentation at the following link
You can see more about the meeting at the link.
In cooperation with the Aspen Institute Germany, the Center for Advanced Economic Studies conducted analysis: “Decarbonizing the Western Balkans: (Political) Economic Challenges and Opportunities”. The analysis is part of a wider publication aimed at answering the question: How far the countries of the Western Balkans have come with the implementation of the Green Agenda?
The analysis focuses on the opportunities and constraints faced by the Western Balkan countries in the process of the green transition. The paper focuses on the necessary energy transition and its three most powerful and immediate impacts on the economy: the impact on the energy sector itself (part II), on the economy (excluding the energy sector) as a consumer of energy (part III), and on the economy as a beneficiary of investment in the greater energy efficiency of buildings and heating (part IV).
In addition to the CEVES analysis, publication consists of three more papers: The Role of the Business Community in Implementing the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans and Decarbonizing the Economy; The Role of Civil Society in Implementing the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans and Decarbonizing the Economy; Just (Energy) Transition in the Western Balkans and the Involvement of all Relevant Stakeholders.
You can see the entire publication at the following link.
Within the “SDGs for ALL” Platform, Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES) has developed a policy paper “Reaching European level of the rule of law and institutional quality”, which aims to contribute to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Republic of Serbia, with the focus on SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions. This policy paper is focused on a limited number of priorities related to the SDG 16, specifically addressing the issues highlighted in the latest European Commission’s Annual Progress Report for Serbia for 2020.
Peace, security, and rule of law are essential to achieve all the SDGs, including SDG 16, and simultaneously represent conditio sine qua non for Serbia’s EU accession too. In order to escape formalistic “thick-the-box” type of monitoring of SDG 16 achievements, Serbia should develop its own monitoring system, at both national and local level, adjusted to Serbia’s real and evidence-based needs. Serbia should accomplish this task within the frame of the EU accession process, using available technical, financial and expertise assistance from the relevant EU institutions, Member States and other international organizations. Special emphasis should be put on how to strengthen democratic institutions, step up fight against corruption and improve strategy and policy planning, as these are the most critical elements for creating a development supportive environment.
The document is available on the following link:
Reaching European level of the rule of law and institutional quality
Within the “SDGs for ALL” Platform, Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES) introduces publication “Enterprises in Serbia and Agenda 2030 – priorities, challenges and the COVID-19 crisis”, which aims to contribute to the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Republic of Serbia. The publication showcases the results of a survey conducted in October 2020 on a sample of 1100 enterprises in Serbia differing in size, sector, and the region in which they are located.
The publication provides answers on questions regarding familiarity of enterprises in Serbia with the 2030 Agenda, their societal priorities, challenges they face towards faster growth, and the influence of the current pandemic on their expectations and business activities. The survey reveals which topics and initiatives are identified by the enterprises as the most relevant for improving living conditions (on local and national level) and whether the enterprises additionally engage in making contribution to the community. Through the survey, the enterprises mapped the main factors influencing (or constraining) their further growth, such as stable economic growth, digitalisation, infrastructure and deficiency of qualified labour. They expressed their positions about foreign direct investments’ influence on their local communities, but also about issues of global concern, such as protection of the environment.
The document is only available in Serbian on the following link:
Preduzeća u Srbiji i Agenda 2030 – prioriteti, izazovi i kriza COVID-19
Within the “SDGs for ALL” Platform, Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES) has developed a policy paper “Pathway to social consensus on key objectives for sustainable urban development”, which aims to contribute to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Republic of Serbia, with the focus on SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities. The subject of this document is an overview of key issues for fulfiling strategic priorities, the importance of SDG 11 for achieving a balanced territorial development, and the analysis of three complex challenges for urban development on which there is a social consensus that need to be resolved.
There is only ten regional centers for waste management in Serbia, while 40% of municipal waste is being deposited at illegal dump sites. This is why the establishment of regional waste management centers should be the first target within the SDG 11. Completing the process of legalizing illegally constructed facilities in Serbia is considered as the second target. Five years following the enforcement of Law on legalization of facilities, 364.400 illegally constructed facilities has been listed, out of which only 210.000 with positive outcome. The third target is related to increasing citizens’ participation in creating urban plans. Such plans are usually adopted in a non-transparent way with citizens being engaged only formally. The recommendations for these three targets are a result of analysis of strategic documents and regulations, and qualitative research methods – individual interviews with decision-makers, municipal activities experts and experts for environment, as well as with sectoral associations.
The document is only available in Serbian on the following link:
Analiza “Put do društvenog konsenzusa oko ključnih ciljeva održivog urbanog razvoja”
Within the “SDGs for ALL” Platform, Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES) has developed a policy paper “Reducing inequalities – pathway to sustainable development”, which aims to contribute to the fulfillment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Republic of Serbia, with the focus on SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities. The subject of this document is an overview of the inequality in the Republic of Serbia with a set of recommendations for improving the current situation.
Inequalities in Serbia are high, and mostly driven by the following factors: labour market inequalities, failure of welfare state mechanisms to reach some vulnerable segments of society, gender inequalities and inequalities in education. After some improvements over the last few years, Gini coefficient in Serbia stood at 33.3 points in 2019 making it one of the highest in the EU. In fact, while the EU average stood at 30.2, only Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia and Lithuania had higher Gini coefficients (and therefore higher inequality). Issues related to inequality are not considered as a priority in public policies in Serbia. Even though some aspects indirectly affecting inequality such as poverty and social inclusion are given somewhat more attention, strategic documents addressing it directly seem to be missing. The National Economic Recovery Plan encompassing all relevant targets of SDG10 and a new ESRP that takes into account all relevant aspects of reducing inequality, including inequalities in income, consumption and access to basic social services, should be adopted. The best way to resolve inequality is through creating decent employment, accompanied by changes in income tax policy, education reform (from preschool to higher education), adjustments in some welfare state mechanisms, labour market institutions and Active labour market policies as well as adopting the new Law on gender equality.
The document is available on the following link:
Policy paper “Reducing inequalities – pathway to sustainable development”
This study focuses on the impact that the COVID crisis has had so far on Serbia’s MSME sector. The goal is twofold: to throw light on the needs of MSMEs as a distinct and very important segment of the economy, as well as to develop a useful segmentation, grouping them by sector and size, to encourage the development of the targeted policies they need to thrive. This is important because MSMEs play an outsize role in Serbia’s economy. As elsewhere, they are key to the generation of employment as well as having become an important generator of innovation and ICT and other new technology jobs. However, in Serbia they also account for the bulk of the domestically owned economy, they are an important generator of manufacturing know-how, skills, and jobs, and they are highly integrated in the regional as well as international economy.
The document is available in English on the following link:
Publications related to the impact assessment of the introduction of the circular economy in three sectors – plastic packaging, electrical and electronic equipment and HORECA – were prepared within the GIZ project “Waste Management in the Context of Climate Change (DKTI)” during 2018 and 2019. The publications represent an early effort to estimate the amount of waste generated in the mentioned sectors, and through several scenarios investigate the possible effects of the introduction of the circular economy on the economy, society, and the environment in the period between 2020 and 2030.
The brochure “Living in the European Serbia: Mapping of the SDGs within the EU integrations framework ” is prepared within the project “Living in the European Serbia – illustration, quantification and representation of societal benefits that stem from adoption of the institutional framework of the EU” supported by the Open Society Foundations. The brochure is a contribution to the arguments of the civil society of Serbia that favor the European integration of Serbia, showing how it can contribute to the socio-economic development of Serbia and personal aspirations of its citizens.
The English translation of this publication was enabled in 2022 by the Public Finance Reform – 2030 Agenda Project, funded by the Swiss and German Governments and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The Report “Alignment with EU regulations for enhanced development effectiveness of state aid“ is prepared within the project “Alignment with EU Competition policy – raising awareness on potential benefits and strengthening capacity of key stakeholders in the area of state aid“. The Report to importance of state aid for development and finds that a better alignment with the EU acquis and regulations would ensure greater development effectiveness of Serbia’s state aid. The project has been financially supported by The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade and Balkan Trust for Democracy of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent those of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade, the Balkan Trust for Democracy, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, or its partners.
The brochure “Serbia’s Sustainable Development: How are we doing?” is prepared within the project “Preparatory Project for a Society-wide Dialogue Platform on SDGs for Serbia” supported by the Swiss Government . Brochure represents a useful guide through Serbia’s most important sustainable development challenges and the strengths it should build on to accelerate its development and put it on a sustainable path.
The present document is a baseline review of Serbia’s human development and environmental challenges as well as the assets and limitations it faces in advancing towards attainment of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). It provides background information for the design of a society-wide dialogue to help shape Serbia’s nationalization of the SDGs in line with its commitment to the UN 2030 Agenda. The document focuses on those SDG dimensions that CEVES consider key for Serbia’s human development and it does not address existing policy goals or options, nor their implementation.
In the Report we present an additional factor, one that we expect will play an even more important role now that economic growth has accelerated in Europe and Serbia’s fiscal adjustment has been completed. It is in the economy’s atypical structure: a sophisticated economy and skills and resources exist, but they are limited in size, and have a spotty distribution – akin to a leopard’s skin – both across industries and geographically. This structure is the result of a slow and uneven transformation of the traditional economy – built during socialist times – throughout the country’s protracted transition, which produced an uneven deterioration and loss of the skills and resources held in it.
Studija predstavlja i izdvaja činjenice o porastu izvoza nakon krize u Srbiji – kao ključni aspekt održivog rasta i konkurentnosti, u kontekstu šireg rasta BDP-a, fokusirajući se na nekoliko sektora koji najviše obećavaju u pogledu dalje konkurentnosti i ekonomskog rasta. Posle kratkog istorijskog pregleda rasta privrede Srbiji, analiza se fokusira se na period od 2009. godine i izvoz koji se registruje od tada.
Analiza je sprovedena sa nivoa sektora, ali i sa aspekta večine i vlasništva preduzeća – uslužnih i prerađivačkih, koja posluju u odabranim sektorima delatnosti.
Study aimed to map institutional and legal barriers that youth face when starting their businesses in Serbia. Much like their peers worldwide, youth in Serbia are faced with numerous challenges when entering the labor market. Figures from the Serbian labor market show a dire situation for young people, since the unemployment rate of this segment of population is almost twice that of the general unemployment rate. Starting a business is one solution for those inclined towards entrepreneurship – and the percentage of such individuals among youth is 36%, higher than in the general population. However, the share of those who actually start a business is significantly lower. Education as obvious barrier for youth activism and developing skills was not subject of this study.
Study gives overview of three particular barriers Serbian youth face: 1) Access to finance and capital; 2) Fiscal and para-fiscal system; 3) Information and practical skills. Beside these barriers which are characteristic for all those starting the business, study shows barriers affecting specific youth groups: 1) Highly skilled youth; 2) Youth in vocational education and training (VET); 3) Youth not in employment, education or training (NEET); 4) Young women; 5) Socially vulnerable youth.
This research aimed to establish an independent monitoring of the quality of the work of the health care system of Serbia, which is, however, part of an even broader CEVES’s program aimed at strengthening the monitoring of the quality of work and the organization of public authorities. The project created direct link towards the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 3 – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Main project output is baseline report that prioritizes a set of indicators and compares the observed data in Serbia with the situation in the selected countries, so that a sufficiently reliable assessment can be obtained, yet sufficiently easy to communicate to the public about the state of health of the citizens of Serbia. The research implied the preparation of preliminary baskets of indicators (quality of outcomes, results, processes and efficiency – system of protection in Serbia) as well as assessment of the weight of each of them.
Summary available in English:
The current study presents the performance of manufacturing in Serbia since the crisis of 2009, focused on competitiveness analysis of four manufacturing sectors selected by the Ministry of Economy: food and drinks (F&D), wood and furniture (W&F), rubber and plastics (R&P) and machines and equipment (M&E). The study is conducted within a broader project (“Competitiveness and Jobs”) implemented by the Government of Serbia and World Bank, whose aim is to mitigate and remove barriers for boosting competitiveness and employment.
The purpose of the study is to contribute to the improvement of business and investment environment – especially in selected sectors – in a way that implementation of activities proposed in the study leads to the promotion of development, competitiveness and employment, i.e. elimination or mitigation of the main identified barriers. Also, the purpose of the study is to inform the development of an industrial development strategy in line with the EU negotiating chapter 20 – Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy, which is about accelerating the structural adjustment, encouraging the creation of business-friendly environment, fostering domestic and foreign investment, promoting small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as supporting entrepreneurship and innovation.
The objective of the assignment was to assess performance and competitive potentials of tradable sectors in Serbia’s economy, through an innovative tool developed by CEVES – Development Potentials Index (DPI). The specific goal was to create an innovative and comprehensive tool that would provide better insight into tradable sector competitive patterns in Serbia. DPI results made a foundation for the selection of four priority sectors by Ministry of Economy.
DPI represents a composite index that uncovered detailed performance and competitiveness patterns of all tradable sectors in Serbia. This analysis was primarily based on quantitative analysis: 114 tradable sectors were assessed with 120 indicators of different weights; 6 years observed period after the strike of the global crisis in 2009; 80.000 companies detailed performance analysis, international competitiveness product analysis on 110 foreign markets, etc. DPI was consisted of nine pillars: (1) general performance, (2) export performance, (3) sustainable performance, (4) growth potential, (5) potential for spill-over effects, (6) sophistication potential, (7) employment creation, (8) investment attraction, and (9) encouragement of entrepreneurship and development of micro and small enterprises. The analysis covered as well: 1) economic impact of global commodity (oil, gas, coal, iron, steel, copper, aluminum, lumber, agribusiness) on key performance indicators of affected sectors in Serbia’s economy; 2) in addition to rankings of individual sectors, rankings of the most important value chains were also produced, in order to assess the performance and functionality of a sector surrounding and its ability to develop in those conditions.
Originally CEVES’ flagship product and today FREN’s, has set new standards in the local economic discipline by offering consistent and thoroughly assessed data on all major macroeconomic aggregates, and providing a thorough analysis of the processes related to economic growth, and monetary, external and financial developments.
The main goal of this case study is to provide a sound knowledge about the performance and competitiveness of a selected industry, and to determine the reasons explaining that performance and competitiveness, by focusing on the identification and understanding of critical success factors (particularly industry-specific). The identification and understanding of hidden potentials and factors is the first step in the process of the creation of required industry-specific knowledge, which can provide essential information to key stakeholders and policymakers in order for industry to prosper. The study identifying the critical success factors and most binding constraints along value chain of fabricated metal products sector and to create a detailed SWOT matrix which should serve as a baseline for creation of a sectorial action plan.
The aim of this brochure is to draw attention to the potential and opportunity that lies in entrepreneurship, worldwide, but especially in Serbia. The report believes that it is important to rely more on energy, creativity, the engagement of hundreds of thousands of people who are today entrepreneurs, or who would be eager to become one if society supports
This study aimes to emphasize the poor quality of statistical data in Serbia, especially on sectorial level, in terms of their practical application in the analysis of performance and consequentially decision-making itself and make recommendations to overcome them. The project systematically analyzed key economic series, comparing and contrasting related variables and relying mostly on economic logic to show key gaps and problems. The focus was to compare GDP by production and expenditure structure with source information, deflators and price series, as well as delve as deeply as possible into formal and informal knowledge about the assessment methodologies applied to explain the inconsistencies. Ultimately, the project identified some key fundamental assumptions that are regularly being made and that probably do not adequately reflect Serbia’s reality. The key audience included policymakers in the Ministry of finance, the Fiscal Council, and the IFIs.
The purpose of this study is to assess the access to finance of Serbian SMEs. It is also a foundation for further research aimed at developing policy recommendations that could help enhance the SME sector’s performance, growth and their contribution to the overall value added. Expansion and development of the SME sector is both the opportunity and necessity for Serbian economy. This report has two components, first that is focused on demand side and second, that is focused on supply side. The first component aims at shedding the light on the structure, performance and growth potential of Serbia’s SMEs, a very large segment of Serbia’s economy that is little understood, and has been relatively neglected by both policymakers and the public. The purpose of the second component is to understand and analyze bank SME funding practices in order to identify if there are opportunities to expand funding to the mutual benefit of both banks and SMEs while at the same time contributing to the country’s growth.
Objective of the assignment was to conduct the survey of the company in order to identify the key factors underlying the performance of enterprises in Serbia. The research covered ten general topic areas of private sector operations in attempt to broadly identify and assess what was the motive for firms’ establishment, what firms do, how they are structured and run, what is their corporate governance, whom they interact with and how they form their expectations are for the future. The survey covered 1,062 face-to-face structured interviews, prepared by CEVES and executed by IPSOS Strategic Marketing.
This report assesses the performance and sheds light on the most promising industries, with the potential to drive sustainable growth and development of Serbia’s economy through enhanced international competitiveness and exporting activities. In addition, this research also shed light on industries that have obvious market potential but struggle to achieve their goals and realize this potential full potential.
The research represents CEVES foundational research of Serbia’s real sector economy, and most importantly, it is the one of a kind in Serbia. By this study, CEVES set the foundation and contributed to the evidence-based policy making in Serbia. The particular result was shedding light on good performing SME-based sectors, which were at the time significantly underrated. This research brought series of innovation in sectors analysis in Serbia: introducing the performance analysis of average/median company in the sector (not only overall sectors performance), bridging different international classifications that enabled joint analyses of general firms’ performance and international performance etc. CEVES invested time in cleaning SBRA database and identifying bona fide companies (separating those that conduct “real” businesses, and earn from it, from those uncreditworthy and/or with irregular reporting) and conducted assessment only on those. The assessment included preparing of series of different financial and international performance indicators; which were statistically analyzed by multivariate Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
The aim of this analysis is to evaluate direct and indirect costs caused by certain administrative procedures. Also, in the study there is calculation of the costs of the entire economy that arise as a result of the execution of certain administrative ones obligation.
available only in Serbian
This report deals with the problem of attracting investments in the Jablanica and Pcinja districts. The aim of the study is to establish the reasons why the inflow of investment in Jablanica and Pcinja region is unsatisfactory, as well as to propose measures to improve this situation. Jablanica and Pcinja are two most economically undeveloped districts in Serbia, with living standard below the republican average. As a key problem that prevents acceleration economic growth, increasing employment and improving the living standards of citizens, low capitalization of the region was identified, insufficient number of economic entities and insufficient inflow of investments. . The report is the result of a fundamental research work, which included a detailed analysis of relevant literature, statistical analysis data, conducting surveys in the region, interviews with relevant actors in the region (including representatives of local economy and representatives of local authorities), talks with relevant representatives of the republican government, talks with associations representing them large domestic and foreign investors, and the analysis of the survey in which local companies and members of local government took place.
available only in Serbian
This research aim to understand and describe the new service sector in Serbia. In global economy, financial capital is being increasingly directed toward countries abundant in knowledge and skills. Knowledge is fueling economic growth and development in every region of the world. Rapid advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide the means for developing countries to accelerate their progress or even leapfrog stages of development, which would enable their integration into the global economy. The “new” service sector, particularly knowledge based services, may well have been booming in Serbia over the past few years. FREN’s and CEVES’ research is aims to fill a great gap in understanding the new services sector in Serbia. Detailed and rigorous survey of the services sector in Belgrade – bound to account for the lion’s share of the new service sector in Serbia – assesses the structure, dimensions, key development factors and development potential of the service sector in Serbia. To seize the opportunity and transform Serbia into a knowledge economy, carefully designed policies are needed, aimed at enhancing human capital and developing appropriate infrastructure. This research provides policy makers and businesses with consistent information required in order to build on Serbia’s strengths and remove obstacles.
The aim of this report is to analyze the economic part of two USAID projects, Community Revitalization through the Democratic Action (CRDA) and Serbia Economic Development Project (SEDP) USAID projects, and prepare them for formal evaluation. Special emphasis will be placed on analysis of the characteristics and adequacy of the chosen indicators, the contents and designs of databases used for monitoring purposes (Web-PRS and SEDP tracking database), their suitability for the evaluation purposes and on preliminary conclusions about the impact of SEDP and CRDA economic programs.
Health care sector in Serbia was one of the sectors that were affected by the waste set of reforms commonly branded as a transition process. One of the biggest problems at the beginning of health reform was a deficit of reliable data that would build the baseline and enable evidence-based policy making and monitoring within the health sector. Policy-makers have realized that if they wanted to develop policies to enhance the performance of their systems, they needed reliable information on the quality of financial resources used for health, their sources and the way they were used. In this paper indicators obtained from NHA data provide evidence on spending patterns for all sectors – public and private, different health care activities, providers, and country regions. Information have been used to make assessment if changes in expenditures reflect the main strategic orientations on the reform of the health system and compare results with those of other countries.
This report explores regional characteristics of the labor market in Serbia carried out in the second half of 2004, as part of the preparation of the National Strategy employment for the period 2005-2010. The basic idea was to Identify regions in which labor force members are exposed above the average risk of unemployment and recommend to economic creators policies and local actors to contribute to the reduction regional differences in the Serbia labor market. The study on labor market map of Serbia strives to comprehensively examine the situation on the labor markets in districts and municipalities and to discover what impacts very different in performance regional labor markets. This research also looks at the prospects of the labor market in the regional dimension and offers recommendations for employment-oriented policy.
available only in Serbian
The main goal of this analysis is the development of a methodology to measure current conditions as well as prospective welfare of municipalities. The subject of this study is the comparison of (under)development among municipalities of Serbia. The study attempts to measure the main dimensions of (under)development of Serbian municipalities.
This report presents a comprehensive assessment of Serbia’s key macroeconomic statistics and aggregates, the essential economic information that can be derived from it with reasonable certainty, and a reassessment of the GDP level and expenditure structure. The assessment covers key price, exchange rate, production and output data, as well as all publicly available fiscal, monetary and external sector data. It documents the data and presents it in analytically useful formats; it documents the collection methodologies and inventories key weaknesses in it; it points to inconsistencies among the series, providing an assessment, where possible, of the likely actual dimensions of the aggregates. An alternative set of figures is offered for the GDP level and expenditure structure in 2003 and 2004.
The purpose of Volume II report is to analyze the value added of the enterprise sector of Serbia, as recorded from financial reports submitted to the Solvency Center in 2001-2004, and its behavior with regard to forms of ownership, size and activities, and then assess the impact of ownership structure and its changes on economic growth, productivity, employment and labor costs.